glazing and firing big pots part two the firing progressed normally despite St Jude’s storm – in fact by the afternoon it was just windy and mostly clear. I took it a little higher than usual – gave it an extra half hour after cone ten had gone over, and then another half hour soaking in oxidisation. this morning it had cooled to 89C so by this afternoon after a little judicious opening of spyhole/flue/burner ports, I could start to take out the bricks. always a bit scary the first peer inside .. but looking good. yes, cone eleven is a bit bent, most of the firings I have had this summer have left cone eleven pretty straight. the reveal – after all that struggle and heartache, this big pot looks gorgeous. I got the beautiful blue I wanted it’s very crazed and rather like quartz crystals one of my “haptic” marks cut into the clay surface that blue is just lovely … on the other hand, this bowl is not lovely at all. I keep trying to get a bowl with a relatively smooth inner surface, and they seem to get worse. it turned out that the tall pod form I put in at the last minute hadn’t been glazed on the lower half. I got some wonderful dark chun droplets over the pink grogged stoneware, which was actually a little over-cooked and stuck to the batt wash on the shelf a nice selection of small bottles and flagons, different clay bodies reacting in different ways to the combination of oxide, slip and glaze; I made a decision to vary the thicknesses, so I got some smooth pale ones and some dark crawly ones. the medium sized flagon cracked across its base and a bit flaked off too. that’s the third piece made from the same batch of clay that has cracked. it was some cheap “school” clay, which I’ve never had a problem with before, and I had wedged it up with some grog, and probably some scrap clay. a pale droplet from chun and slip over a porcelain layer impressed with wisteria stems. another impressed bottle. I think the impression (oak leaves) works really well with the watery oxide under slip and chun. another look at the big one. on this side the oxide painting is very strong and on this the slip had a good old dribble. tomorrow I’ll take high resolution photos of the firing. it’ll be interesting to see if I can pick up the subtleties of the blues and greys accurately. Post navigation glazing and firing large potsolive harvest One Comment Very nice indeed! Beautiful blue indeed!! Reply Leave a ReplyCancel reply This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.