last sail of the year


it’s very sad, sailing is more or less over for the year. after this week there are no more suitable tides at weekends.

today there was plenty of water to get MM out of her muddy mooring. the wind  was  6 to 10 knots, which didn’t seem too bad here, but we reefed the sail just to be safe, and motored up to the last lot of seal boat jetties to put the sails up.


we had a short sail in slightly tricky conditions as there was more wind  than was comfortable coming from the West, which means it is a bit deceptive, feeling quite pleasant until you get out into the lagoon.


With the chop from wind and tide I had a few wet slaps in my ear, and acted as ballast in the middle while First Mate and Skipper used their weight to keep MM level. it wasn’t so easy to take photos either.


Elsie didn’t even try to raise her sails; we were glad MM’s were reefed.


this little boat was getting along quite well with her jib only.


MM‘s crew did terribly well, we tacked up the channel a bit, then sailed back past the creek opening towards Blakeney, were just contemplating gybing when a buoy appeared under the bow and we probably caught our centreboard on its chain, which spun us around and pulled the main sheet out of the skipper’s hand. we all managed to be in the right place so we didn’t tip over, but the boom swung right out and the sheet ended up in the water out of reach, so that caused a little difficulty for a few minutes. the motor came in handy, we got ourselves together again and sailed back to the creek opening. but the wind was in the wrong direction to sail back down the creek and the tide was running out faster than expected, giving us very little space, so we had to resort to the motor to get back in.


quite an adrenaline fueled last sail!


of course, motoring down the creek the sun came out and it all seemed  nice and easy again with a pretty sky and everyone quite relaxed.


we passed Elsie tying up.


skipper was a little pensive after having control of his boat ripped through his hands


but he saved the day really, we could easily have capsized if he had the sheet cleated or a knot in the end of it.


back along the creek to the very end. we disembark at the jetty and MM is pulled out into the deeper water. she’ll be brought home to spend the winter in the paddock here in a couple or three weeks.



  1. Glad you all stayed upright!! And relatively dry! 🙂 At lesat you will have the memory of the excitment of your last sail of the season to tide you over until next season!! (((((Jane)))))

  2. its the last sail for the Cockles, but not for the Mirror, all things being equal I have a sailing lesson tomorrow afternoon, and the weather forecast is for light winds!

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